I want somewhere more permanent than a social media blog to keep my random works, commissions and intrusive thoughts. This is probably best described as a digital garden if you want to be fancy about it. If you’ve stumbled into here - Enjoy your stay!

Many are starting to notice the gradual enshittification process of web platforms. This kind of thing isn’t a solution to that. Trying to return to a time ‘when the internet was good’ isn’t the answer. We tend to look back with rose colored glasses: Geocities was ugly, it’s look was born from ameturism and un-style. TikTok sludge videos have more in common with the 00’s web than building semi-ironic sites that evoke the old-web visual aesthetic.

That’s not to say there isn’t a place for this old-web stuff. and I love it for it’s own cyber-queer net-art reasons.

The main of the purpose of this site is to collect my furry trash. I’m old enough to have spent long nights on IRC pretending to be a cartoon animal. Do U RP? may have become an in-joke, but for me at a certain time it was necessary method of expression. It still is for a lot of queer people. To this day I still find excitment in going to meet with people IRL who I’ve only known up until then as a screen name.

I’m not going to get into my opinions on the state of the fandom, how it’s changing, whether the changes are good or bad in my opinion. Nothing lasts forever and that’s a good thing.

— Kitschpig