I have added a toggle (default off) for my so-called NSFW content. I don’t know what kind of occupation would be approving of browsing personal furry websites during work time, but if you’re reading this on the clock consider me jelly. As some of this artwork might be beyond what is typically thought of by ‘NSFW’ I’m gonna call it squick.

My intention here definitely isn’t to censor my adult artwork, but some consideration has made me think that giving a (again, by default) option to view the site without the more challenging kink art, would:

a) Make viewers take responsibility for exposing themselves to things that might squick them out.

b) In a roundabout way, allow me to feel freer to put up weirder, squickier artwork.

There was already a marquee warning of grotesquities on the homepage (now every page), and the adult content was, and still is, within a dropdown. So if you do end up seeing something distasteful it’s wholly your own doing.

Email me about what disgusted you the most and I’ll be very happy to discuss the topic further.

— Kitsch

